Important update dated August 17, 2021: The organizers of the competition are extending the application deadline to August 22, 2021.
International Alert is peacebuilding organization, operating programs around the world to address conflict. Its mission is to build a more peaceful world by working with people directly affected by conflict to find peaceful solutions, shaping policies and practices to support peace and collaborating with those striving for peace.
In Central Asia, International Alert launches a Regional Dialogue on Climate Change project funded by SIDA. The project will convene stakeholders from across the Kazakh, Kyrgyz and Tajik borders to pre-empt escalation of conflict over water resources. By establishing a civil society expert (or track II) mechanism on climate change, disaster preparedness and mitigation, we will complement government-level (track I) dialogue to ensure broader participation of stakeholders from the civil and expert community in a constructive dialogue at the regional level and to develop further effective measures to adapt to climate change in the three CA countries.
International Alert offices in Bishkek and Dushanbe will coordinate the project and an extensive network of experts in partnership with “Civil Society Development Association – ARGO” in Kazakhstan.
A terms of reference can be downloaded here.
A brochure can be downloaded here.