Terms of reference for Resource Mobilization Consultant, Spotlights Initiative (SI) project.

The Spotlights Initiative (SI) will contribute to strengthening regional leadership, coordination, sharing knowledge and operation of the network of organizations on protection of women’s rights to support collective and strategic interaction of CSOs with governments and other actors within the framework of the broader Alliance for Central Asia in the CIS.
European Union project supports novice business and local government development

As part of the monitoring, the project team “More active participation of stakeholders at the local level in East and Central Kazakhstan” visited the Nurinsky district of the Karaganda region. In particular, meetings were held with participants who were provided with financial support for starting a business. It is worth noting that all startups are…
European Union project supports small business development in Kazakhstan rural areas

Karagandy oblast, Nura rayon, Nura township – Today the EU project announced the winners of the competition for financial support for developing small business in rural areas of Kazakhstan. The total amount of the EU financial support is KZT 12 000 000 for 11 business projects to be implemented in the pilot rural territories of Eastern…
European Union Project supports small business development in rural areas

Ust-Kamenogorsk – The winners of the competition for financial support for developing small business were announced today. Financial support is provided in the framework of the EU-funded project “Greater Stakeholder Engagement at Local Level in East and Central Kazakhstan” which is fully aligned with Kazakhstan National Plan on 100 Concrete Steps as it contributes to…
Award ceremony for winners of competition for financial support for the development of entrepereneurship at local level

On 21 November 2018 meeting of committee of competition on financial support for the development of entrepreneurship at local level was held. The committee decided to award twelve best business projects (five from East Kazakhstan oblast and seven from Karagandy oblast) which would now receive financial support in the total amount of KZT 12 000…