A Editor/Proofreader Required

We are looking for a native speaker Editor/Proofreader who will review and edit Civil Society related reports and other documents’ content. The goal is to provide informative, analytical and engaging content. Responsibilities: proof of type setup to detect and mark for correction any grammatical, typographical, or compositional errors Read, proofread and edit reports or…
A Regular Meeting of the “Dialogue Platform for Human Dimension” Consultative Advisory Board under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan Was Held

The “Dialogue Platform for Human Dimension” Consultative Advisory Board under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan held a meeting in Kazakhstan’s capital city of Astana on September 25, 2018. At the meeting, implementation of the UN Human Rights Council recommendations in the field of Human Dimension under the framework of…
ASAR 2018: The European Union Project “Inclusive Planning for Local Development” Attracted Great Interest by Regional Leaders and CSO Representatives

From June 21-22, 2018, The Ministry of Religious Affairs and Civil Society led the 2nd Republican Forum on trilateral cooperation «Asar» in Taldykorgan. The forum theme this year was «Contribution of local communities to sustainable development of the regions».’ During the opening plenary session the Minister of Religious Affairs and Civil Society Darkhan Kaletayev expressed…
Bulgarian Local Self-Governance or How to Apply Foreign Experience in Kazakhstan

How to involve citizens at the maximum level in the decision-making process? How can social services be provided at the local level? Representatives from Bulgarian municipalities shared their experience and vision of these and other tasks with internship participants. From January 21 to 28, 2018, ARGO employees, along with representatives of East Kazakhstan and Karaganda…
The “Partnership for Innovations” program has established the first dialogue platform for NGOs and state bodies

An international consultative meeting “Interaction between the state and civil society organizations: past experience and future perspectives in the countries of Central Asia and Azerbaijan” started in Astana, Kazakhstan, in the framework of the Republic of Kazakhstan’s Majilis of Public Councils. The event is one of USAID’s “Partnership for Innovations – P4I” programs. It is…
The first Republican Majilis of Public Councils Started its work in Kazakhstan

In Astana today, Representatives of Public Councils, state bodies and NGOs from all regions of the country, as well as representatives from the countries of Central Asia and Azerbaijan came together for the first Majilis. The participants discussed a number of important issues. For example, they discussed how to improve cooperation with the state bodies,…
“ASAR”: NGO – Business – the State

The first Republic trilateral cooperation forum “ASAR” took place in Atyrau. The forum brought together representatives of state institutions, the nonprofit sector and business. It resulted in signing of a Memorandum of Cooperation between NGOs, business and state bodies both at the regional and national levels. As noted by the event organizers, the aim of…
CSOs and the State: A New Dialogue

Today, contemporary trends and civil society sector development perspectives were discussed in Astana. Participants including CSO and relevant Ministry representatives discussed new ways and forms of productive interaction between government structures and civil society institutes. Principle speakers were Abzal Nukenov, Vice Minister of Religious Affairs and Civil Society of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Zauresh Battalova,…
CSO School: Building Young People’s Capacity through Innovations

A holiday season is finishing but it is still hot in Dushanbe. While many people are relaxing outside the city, everything is in full swing at the Atlas Hotel. It was here that the international public organization “Fidokor” and ARGO launched the School for Civil Society Organizations. For four days, 30 representatives of young civil…
The responses to the auditor’s questions for ARGO

RESPONSES to the auditor’s questions for ARGO RFP dated 03.08.2017 regarding ARGO’s audit 2016. Can you tell what is the Audit budget? No, the Audit budget can not be disclosed What requirement below in print screen means. If we have wide membership network, we have affiliates in USD and KZ office is shortlisted…